COVID-19 Screening & Certification.

Space and Asset Management Designed to Keep You Safe

Create revenue by sharing unused open spaces,  technology, or anything you own. All built around Covid-19 safety and easily deployable in your facility.

Customer Testimonials

“We evaluated multiple COVID-19 compliance tools and found TeraTribe to be by far the most usable and comprehensive we have seen to date.”
“TeraTribe helps us stay compliant and efficient. And our employees feel safer. We are light years ahead of other similar companies in managing COVID-19.”
“It looks like a native app on computers and mobile devices, but nothing to install. Easy
to use and manage.”

Covid-19 Screening

NY State Requires daily COVID-19 Certification and Occupancy Management

Employee or visitor fills out a simple form on any computer or mobile device, and submits

Approved or denied for onsite visit instantly. Facility personnel can confirm & trace

A Platform for Occupancy Management, Contact Tracing, and Space & Equipment Reservation

Platform user can reserve specific area, room or equipment in multiple facilities.
Facility personnel can trace contacts

Employee or visitor fills out a simple form on any computer or mobile device, and submits


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